Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Saved $87 A Month With LowerMyPowerBill.com

I Saved $87 A Month With LowerMyPowerBill.com

I Saved $87 A Month With LowerMyPowerBill.com

By installing the highest grade radiant barrier called the Eco Solar Shield, you can take 20% right off of your power bill. EcoSolarShield.com is so effective that it takes average attic temperatures down from 130+ degrees down to 90-100 degrees.

lower my power bill r value savings


PRLog (Press Release)Feb 15, 2011 – The Eco Solar Shield technology is a nationally accepted staple for new construction. New homeowner's don't just want it, they expect it along with a solar attic fan, solar hot water heater and ThermoCool. In other words, as new homes are being built, installing the Eco Solar Shield and the other aforementioned energy saving upgrades has become standard.

For the first time, homeowners are now able to lower their power bill by 30-50%, permanently utilizing the governments $3,800 to retrofit their home with the advanced radiant barrier technology of the EcoSolarShield. You can also expect your insulation being brought up to code as well, a solar attic fan that is reported as, "exceeding all Industry standards and expectations. - http://EcoSolarShield.com

While EnergyStar appliances are key to an energy efficient kitchen and new hot water heater, there is nothing like having commercial air conditioning in your home and at a cost that is 10-15% less than you’re paying now.

Imagine this; you get home, you turn on the a/c to 65 degrees to get it going right away, but 48-52 degrees is coming out of your vents. It’s like walking into a department store in the summer and when you walk in the door you feel instantly refreshed. What is so amazing is that your thermostat can go off once you’ve reached your desired temperature and the temperature of the air will remain cool, as the Eco Solar Shield is keeping the a/c in.

As you can imagine, in the winter time the Eco Solar Shield is keeping the heat in hence, you’re not wasting money on keeping the heat on all day just to stay warm.

This new patented technology comes to you from ThermoCoolUSA.com; a government approved polarized oil additive that increases the lubricity in the coils of your a/c by 1,500%. Long story short, your a/c runs about 1/2 the time. http://thermocoolusa.com

Statistics show that when the Eco Solar Shield advanced attic temperature control system is coupled with ThermoCool, homeowners are experiencing an average savings of 33-38%. This means that if you have an average power bill of $300 or $3,600 per year, you can expect a savings in the range of $1,188 to $1,368 per year.

What's so intriguing is that with the government's money, homeowners can now take advantage of the Lower My Power Bill Savings Program and initiative put in place and signed for by President Obama. The goal: Give homeowners the ability to own an equity position in their kilowatt consumption.

Homeowners aware of this savings are reported as saying that it's been a long time coming.

Save 30-50% On Your Power Bill, Permanently!

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Save 30-50% On Your Power Bill. Schedule Your Savings Today

LowerMyPowerBill.com enables homeowners to offset their dependency on their power company’s electricity. With power bill rates continuing to increase every year, you can now save 30%-50% on your monthly power bill. Note: This savings is permanent.

Schedule Your Energy Evaluation: When you schedule your energy evaluation you're taking the first step to identifying where your money is being wasted and where your energy loss is. With our customers enjoying an average savings of 30-50% on their power bill; $300 power bills are now $150 to $200.

When you fill out the form above, you will be contacted to schedule your free energy evaluation and to answer all your questions. Response time: 25 min.

For Immediate Assistance, Call 800.407.1954

*Business Hours Mon-Sat (9:00AM - 6:00PM) EST

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Issued By
:Rich Preisig
:United States
:Coupons, Energy, Environment
:lower my power bill, power bill savings, lower electricity bill, Florida, Texas, free energy evaluation
Last Updated
:Feb 15, 2011

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