Saturday, May 14, 2011

Post by R P from Posted from the web

Post by R P from Posted from the web

Rich Preisig has learned how to save time, increase sales, productivity, and position dynamite management to insure its longevity. Rich Preisig is also a team player. Throughout his career, Rich Preisig has maintained the highest performance standards within a diverse range of sales and sales management.

While building and running a business, Rich Preisig worked and was successful in many capacities which include Management, Marketing, Business Development, People Development, Business consultant and much more. I built my company from just myself working alone to a staff of 30+ in 2 years all before the mortgage boom. Years of business strategies revolving in and around the stock brokerage industry , internet boom and bust, bringing a company public, the mortgage industry, student loan consolidation industry, cash advance industry and so many more.

Many of Rich Preisig’s contemporaries emulated the business plan, structure and system I created. In addition to that I constantly receive calls and requests from friends that are starting a business for advice and help on what to do to build their business and market it.

All companies that I have worked for had great growth and success not only from me and my team but from the other teams due to my sharing of information that made them successful as well. I am excited about the position and the ability to help your company to succeed. Thank you in advance for your time to review my qualifications.

Rich Preisig likes to hear about new business strategies revolving in and around the world. With the internet boom and bust, bringing a company public, the mortgage industry, student loan consolidation industry, cash advance industry; Rich Preisig states, “As of 8/10, 92% of search engine Users found their results on page one of Google.”

Rich Preisig and as some call him, Richie or Richard, is recently known for his strong ability to write compelling content that drives traffic to businesses sites, landing pages and or lead capture pages. Mr. Rich Preisig has been quoted saying, "I'm a firm believer that interesting and informative content will always drive consumers to your sites, as your content is the first impression and start of the relationship to be, so if you give the consumer value in the form of words, you're likely to hear back from them in the form of filling out your lead capture form or simply calling you."

As of 8/10, 92% of search engine Users found their results on page one of Google. This means that the sales, revenues and repeat business is going to these businesses, not yours. A Users perception of your business can go as follows; they find you on page one of Google. They think to themselves this must be a popular site and they click through to your Site. It sounds simple, but what page is your business on?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Radiant Barrier Savings with Lower My Power Bill | PRLog

Radiant Barrier Savings with Lower My Power Bill | PRLog

Don't think only of your attic when considering insulation. Installing a radiant barrier in your building's walls can be just as important. Insulated walls make your home more comfortable, while helping to keep your energy bills low. Even if you already have insulation, you can add to its efficiency by installing Eco-Solar-Shield™. An Eco-Solar-Shield™ radiant energy barrier works with nearly all traditional insulations, from blown-in to fiberglass, and because all Eco-Solar-Shield™ contractors are certified professionals, they can help you decide on the best applications for your specific situation.


We all understand the concept of layering clothes on very cold days, and the same idea applies to insulating your home. Of course, the first areas we think

about when it comes to insulating our homes are the attic and the exterior walls, but insulating interior walls with Eco-Solar-Shield™ as well creates a dual barrier against heat and cold transfer, just as adding layers of clothes in the winter does. Insulating both interior and exterior walls can dramatically reduce your home’s energy consumption and your monthly power bills.

When combined with traditional insulation, like fiberglass blankets and spray foams, Eco-Solar-Shield™ protects your home from all three kinds of temperature transfer; convection, conduction, and radiation. No other radiant foil barrier can match the efficiency of Eco-Solar-Shield™ in such applications. Eco-Solar-Shield™ can reflect up to 97 percent of heat radiation, offering some homeowners savings on their power bills of more than 50 percent.

Save 30-50% on your power bill with


Of course, proper insulation of your attic and exterior walls is the most important first step in saving money on energy bills. If your power consumption seems to be excessive, your exterior wall insulation is probably insufficient, causing your home's energy consumption to increase dramatically. If you are thinking about remodeling, or just want to maximize your efforts to "Go Green" and save money, installing Eco-Solar-Shield™ in your exterior walls can help you achieve those goals.

Utilizing the same technology that protects astronauts from the extreme temperatures in space. Eco-Solar-Shield™ reflects an amazing 97 percent of radiant heat, something traditional insulation materials alone cannot do


We all know that attics are the most important areas of heat loss in our homes. And, even though you may have fiberglass or other types of traditional attic insulation, you are still not completely protected from the wide range of outside temperatures, or, as you have probably surmised, from high power bills. One problem can be that as traditional insulation ages, its R-value is depleted due to moisture and compression, thus reducing its effectiveness in protecting against temperature extremes. Unless you have recently installed new insulation, you probably have less protection than you think.

--- end --- Visit Press Room

Friday, May 6, 2011

Lower My Power Bill: WSJ Community Member: Rich Preisig

Lower My Power Bill: WSJ Community Member: Rich Preisig: "WSJ Community Member: Rich Preisig Yet there’s an energy-saving way to fry an egg or cook some stew that is largely unknown in the U.S. ht..."

WSJ Community Member: Rich Preisig

WSJ Community Member: Rich Preisig

Yet there’s an energy-saving way to fry an egg or cook some stew that is largely unknown in the U.S. ... First Page On Google with Rich Preisig

First page placement during the major search engines like Google is possible with simple techniques like SEO. These days, the internet has become a powerful tool in the hands of marketers. There are millions of websites, which are that you could purchase online. All of them are catering to multifaceted purposes and services. However, what is important seems to be first page placement of your website. If you are not ranking on the first page, or by least first few pages of a search engine, then your chances of getting high web traffic are rare.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Radiant Barrier Eco Solar Shield - YouMob

Radiant Barrier Eco Solar Shield - YouMob

Lower My Power Bill: Post by R P from Posted from the web

Lower My Power Bill: Post by R P from Posted from the web: "Post by R P from Posted from the web The Radiant Barrier material, perfected by Eco Solar Shield ™ has over 80 lb/in of tensile strength. ..."

Post by R P from Posted from the web

Post by R P from Posted from the web

The Radiant Barrier material, perfected by Eco Solar Shieldhas over 80 lb/in of tensile strength. Commonly referred to by home builders and general contractors as "the Eco Solar Shield;" it's one of the strongest and most efficient and durable Radiant Barriermaterials available.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lower My Power Bill: Eco Solar Shield Reviews - Best Radiant Barri

Lower My Power Bill: Eco Solar Shield Reviews - Best Radiant Barri

Eco Solar Shield Reviews - Best Radiant Barri

What is the "R" value of Eco-Solar-Shield™?

An R-Value is a measurement of resistance to the flow of conductive heat transfer. Since Radiant Barriers like Eco-Solar-Shield™ are designed to reflect radiant and not conductive heat, they do not have an actual R-Value. Any "theoretical" or "equivalent" R-Value depends heavily on the method of installation and the size and number of airspaces surrounding the material. We do not attempt to assign any R-Value to Eco Solar Shield™ as it is not relevant and is somewhat misleading. It is the RB's ability to reflect radiant heat that makes it such an energy saver.

Which do I need, Perforated or Non-Perforated?

It depends on your particular climate and application. If you are installing the Eco-Solar-Shield™ on the outside/exterior of mass insulation, you generally want to use the perforated type so as not to trap moisture within the wall. If your climate or local codes call for an interior vapor barrier, you can install the Non-Perforated type on the inside/interior of mass insulation. In this case you would also tape the seams to create a vapor barrier. We recommend using only perforated Radiant Barrier – in all attic installations.

Is the Perforated type as effective as Non-Perforated?
Yes, the holes are very small and do not degrade the performance of the RB. They are there just to allow moisture to pass through and have virtually no effect on the thermal performance.

How much tape do I need?

When using Eco-Solar-Shield™ as a Vapor Barrier or house wrap, it is important to seal all the seams. You will need approximately 1 roll of tape (2" x 150') for every 1000sf of Eco-Solar-Shield™.

How can I Review the Eco Solar Shield feedback from homeowners who have already purchased the Radiant Barrier “Eco Solar Shield?”

There are dozens of reviews written about the Eco Solar Shield Reviews.

Is double sided Eco-Solar-Shield™ any better than the single sided type?

Yes, provided that it is installed with an air space on both sides. There are two properties which allow Radiant Barriers to work, reflectivity and low emissivity (low-e). Heat is reflected on the top/hot side, and since RB has a low-e value, heat is not emitted to the bottom/cold side. Of these two properties the low-e value is of greater importance. In order for a radiant barrier to be most effective in both summer and winter it needs to have aluminum on both sides. According to a study performed by a Texas A&M University professor, double sided radiant barriers were nearly 50% more effective than their single sided counterparts.

How much savings can I expect from an attic installed Eco-Solar-Shield™?

Your actual savings will vary with many factors including: attic installed location, house shading, duct leakage, air handler location, geographic location, etc. In the South, you can expect to see a 40% reduction in heat gained through the ceiling. This can translate to a 17% savings on cooling bills. In some installations, there will also be additional savings on heat which will no longer be lost through the ceiling in the winter.  Begin Saving on your electric bill now with Lower My Power Bill.

Post by Rich Preisig from Posted from the web

Post by Rich Preisig from Posted from the web

Eco Solar Shield Reviews/Radiant barrier | Solar Power Reviews

Eco Solar Shield Reviews/Radiant barrier | Solar Power Reviews

Green News Letter - YouMob

Green News Letter - YouMob

WSJ Community Member: Rich Preisig

WSJ Community Member: Rich Preisig

Learn more about Rich Preisig

Lower My Power Bill ™ - Schedule Your 30%-50% Savings Today!

Lower My Power Bill ™ - Schedule Your 30%-50% Savings Today!

Save 30-50% On Your Power Bill. Schedule Your Savings Today

Learn more about the Radiant Barrier enables homeowners to offset their dependency on their power company’s electricity. With power bill rates continuing to increase every year, you can now save 30%-50% on your monthly power bill. Note: This savings is permanent.

Schedule Your Energy Evaluation: When you schedule your energy evaluation you're taking the first step to identifying where your money is being wasted and where your energy loss is. With our customers enjoying an average savings of 30-50% on their power bill; $300 power bills are now $150 to $200.

When you fill out the form above, you will be contacted to schedule your free energy evaluation and to answer all your questions. Response time: 25 min.

For Immediate Assistance, Call 800.407.1954

*Business Hours Mon-Sat (9:00AM - 6:00PM) EST