Which do I need, Perforated or Non-Perforated?
It depends on your particular climate and application. If you are installing the Eco-Solar-Shield™ on the outside/exterior of mass insulation, you generally want to use the perforated type so as not to trap moisture within the wall. If your climate or local codes call for an interior vapor barrier, you can install the Non-Perforated type on the inside/interior of mass insulation. In this case you would also tape the seams to create a vapor barrier. We recommend using only perforated Radiant Barrier – in all attic installations.
Is the Perforated type as effective as Non-Perforated?
Yes, the holes are very small and do not degrade the performance of the RB. They are there just to allow moisture to pass through and have virtually no effect on the thermal performance.
How much tape do I need?
When using Eco-Solar-Shield™ as a Vapor Barrier or house wrap, it is important to seal all the seams. You will need approximately 1 roll of tape (2" x 150') for every 1000sf of Eco-Solar-Shield™.
How can I Review the Eco Solar Shield feedback from homeowners who have already purchased the Radiant Barrier “Eco Solar Shield?”
There are dozens of reviews written about the Eco Solar Shield Reviews.
Is double sided Eco-Solar-Shield™ any better than the single sided type?
Yes, provided that it is installed with an air space on both sides. There are two properties which allow Radiant Barriers to work, reflectivity and low emissivity (low-e). Heat is reflected on the top/hot side, and since RB has a low-e value, heat is not emitted to the bottom/cold side. Of these two properties the low-e value is of greater importance. In order for a radiant barrier to be most effective in both summer and winter it needs to have aluminum on both sides. According to a study performed by a Texas A&M University professor, double sided radiant barriers were nearly 50% more effective than their single sided counterparts.
How much savings can I expect from an attic installed Eco-Solar-Shield™?
Your actual savings will vary with many factors including: attic installed location, house shading, duct leakage, air handler location, geographic location, etc. In the South, you can expect to see a 40% reduction in heat gained through the ceiling. This can translate to a 17% savings on cooling bills. In some installations, there will also be additional savings on heat which will no longer be lost through the ceiling in the winter. Begin Saving on your electric bill now with Lower My Power Bill.
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